Monday, January 5, 2015

Resolutions for the New Year on Sanibel Island

For many, today was the first work day of the year as well as a return to reality.

While we understand that enjoying family and friends often trumps being back into routine,  we also believe that serious consideration of the future is easier contemplated from behind a desk full of papers than behind a table full of food.

So, with no or fewer distractions to keep you from your mission, here are some suggestions for a new year commitment to Sanibel Island.

First, it will make you and your family happy to admit one true fact about vacationing.  Many times it it is a lot of effort, some times more effort than enjoyment.  The planning, arranging, finding a nice and appropriate accommodation, the packing can all be exhausting.  But truth be told, Sanibel is one of those rare exceptions where life is easy from concept to completion.

So your first resolution may be to thoughtfully and realistically analyze the value versus the cost, financially and psychologically, of choosing Sanibel.  We are betting that you will not find a place to holiday which offers more affordable options for a stay than Sanibel while also offering a plethora of alternatives for the whole family.  The beach, nature, boating, shopping all beckon continuously.

Second, it is worth recognizing that with effort at a minimum and enjoyment at a maximum, our little barrier island is not just a beach, but much more.  It is a place of discovery and you can, with the correct choices, take home much more than you bring.  You can learn on your own, or be guided to knowledge with such organizations as C.R.O.W., SCCF, Bailey's Shell Museum, the Sanibel Sea School and Tarpon Bay Explorers.    Why just "veg out" on a beautiful beach when you can relax and "take in" so much information on Sanibel?

Third, it is always good to share the joy.  Yes, we know everyone wants to experience the serenity of Sanibel and is loathe to see too many people coming to the Island.  But let's not be selfish.  Aren't there many people among your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues who need a break?  We are betting there are.  So open up your heart to a little more company and let them know what you have found as a vacation rental guest on sweet Sanibel. Tell them how very special this vacation destination is.   Giving is always better than receiving!

Now these are easy resolutions and much easier to achieve than losing weight, saving money and stopping a bad habit.  So we hope you carry on with 2015 with these commitments in mind.

And, above all, do have a very happy and healthy New Year~

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